An Ode to an Old Friend (Dear, Lou)
60s outlaw country, religious, farewell ballad, conventional twangy seasoned country vocalsLyrics
“Oh, Lou, oh Lou.”
Good Ol’ Lou
Lou is no longer held down by a mind of old.
The world lost a Lou and a Lou gained his heavenly wheels.
“Oh, Lou, oh Lou.”
Dear Ol’ Lou.
Lou is, was & forever will be a man of old.
A dying breed.
They don’t make em’ like Lou no more.
Lou is out of the dark,
he’s found the light.
He’s a bit of Hank Williams,
He’s a bit of John Wayne,
and a lot Richard Petty,
He is Red Blooded,
An Ohio Original,
An Ohio Classic.
He is Chevelle cruisin’ to those pearly gates.
A hotrod angel looking to race,
heaven street.
He’s Heaven bound
“Lou, oh, Lou”,
You are Heaven bound.
God best be ready,
for a scumbag legend to be racin’ his streets
Lou you will never be forgotten.
You are driving that perfect Chevelle up on Heaven boulevard.
Lou is smiling again.
Lou is happy again.
Lou is better than ever.
He has escaped a broken down mind.
His soul is free.
The mind is a terrible thing to lose, old Lou.
You were just a good old boy who lost his wits.
Now & forever a hotrod angel.
Lou you’re race’n your dream car up in the great beyond.
“Oh, Lou, oh Lou..”
You would groan.
“Damn tire kickers!
damn tire kickers…”
Building a rage, your arms ending up over your head.
“Goddamn tire kickers!”
Then smack your gums & mumble to yourself with your arms on your hips,
looking out the window at the cold morning in the mud lot,
our car sink-hole abyss.
Many a car would pull in,
and with a shrug you would say.
“just a color’d feller.”
Now you are livin’ the dreams that were once stuck within.
You worked the lots most your life.
You worked long and you worked hard.
You now race your heavenly ride in,
The bright and glorious sun kingdom.
Oh, Lou, oh Lou…
You told me when I was new to driving
“Not to worry about the person riding your ass.
Hell with em’! Break check the sum bitch..!”
One day we were talking about someone who had lost their mother and father recently. I remember Lou holding back tears saying
“I haven’t seen my Mom and Dad in a long time.
I miss them.”
“They’ve been long gone.
Don’t matter how old you are, I miss my parents.”
They don’t make em’ like Lou no more…
The big sleep has come to you.
You were a car man.
It was your time.
You are with your Mom and Dad again,
Old Lou.
Now a hotrod angel.
Peelin’ rubber on clouds.
In your perfect Chevelle.
You sold cars out of the mud for us.
You helped our business get out of the rough.
While in the twilight years of your life you chose to help us.
You gave us your best.
We are forever grateful for you. Ol’ Lou.
Oh, Lou, oh Lou…
has gained his wings.
The years of Chevelle chasin’ are over for you.
So, goodbye for now,
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An Ode to an Old Friend (Dear, Lou)
60s outlaw country, religious, farewell ballad, conventional twangy seasoned country vocals