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Can't die

R&B, ballad


In the shadow of the night, where the silence screams,
I’m dancing with my demons, caught in broken dreams,
Every tear, a river, washing over stone,
But these chains of memory keep me tethered, keep me home.

I wear a mask of laughter, but it’s fading day by day,
With every breath I take, I’m just trying to escape.

I'm so lost in the echoes of my mind,
In a world full of shadows, I’m the one left behind.
I’m stuck in this struggle, in a fight I can't deny,
I’m holding onto pain, but I can’t die.

(Verse 2)
Underneath this heavy sky, I’m a ghost in the crowd,
Screaming out my sorrows, but I can’t say them loud,
Searching for a reason, a flicker in the void,
But the silence sings a lullaby, that leaves me feeling destroyed.

Every dawn brings a battle, a war I can’t foresee,
But I’m here, I’m still breathing, it’s a burden, it’s a plea.

I'm so lost in the echoes of my mind,
In a world full of shadows, I’m the one left behind.
I’m stuck in this struggle, in a fight I can't deny,
I’m holding onto pain, but I can’t die.

Every scar tells a story, every wound is a rhyme,
In this labyrinth of heartache, I’m just wasting time.
Yet somehow there’s a flicker in this heavy night,
A whisper through the darkness that tells me to fight.

I'm so lost in the echoes of my mind,
In a world full of shadows, I’m the one left behind.
I’m stuck in this struggle, in a fight I can't deny,
I’m holding onto pain, but I can’t die.

So I’ll stand in the ashes, and I’ll rise from the fall,
In the depths of this sorrow, I’ll still answer the call.
I may carry this burden, but I’ll learn how to fly,
In a heart filled with sorrow, I won’t let go; I can’t die.

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Can't die

R&B, ballad
