"Christmas in the Time of Mixtapes“
A Gen X Holiday Anthem)Lyrics
Verse 1
Flipping through the Sears catalog, circling dreams,
Atari on the wish list, lit up like a screen.
Big hair on the tree-topper, neon lights on the floor,
Mom’s yelling, “Turn off MTV and come help with the decor!”
Microwaved hot cocoa, tinsel everywhere,
Waiting for the snow while New Wave fills the air.
Christmas in the time of mixtapes,
Cassette decks spinning joy and escapes.
Eight-bit magic under the tree,
It’s a Gen X holiday, just you and me.
Verse 2
Popcorn strings and plastic wreaths, vinyl records hum,
Grandpa’s got “Silent Night,” we’re blasting Duran Duran.
Dad’s got the camcorder, pointing in our face,
While we unwrap Walkmans at a breakneck pace.
The wood-paneled station wagon's out in the drive,
With carols on the radio, making us feel alive.
Christmas in the time of mixtapes,
Rubik's cubes and VHS tapes.
Retro joy in every scene,
It’s a Gen X holiday, straight outta a dream.
The glow of the tube TV,
“Charlie Brown” and “E.T.”
Sharing laughs in the family room,
Beneath the glow of the crescent moon.
Christmas in the time of mixtapes,
Boom boxes blasting while snowflakes shape.
A Polaroid memory wrapped in love,
A Gen X holiday fits like a glove.
Now we’re grown but the feeling stays,
A little New Wave magic on these holidays.
Christmas past still plays its tune,
A Gen X holiday, under the same old moon.
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