Kitana we the villains
Tupac shakur flow with a women voice fast sharp agressive savage flow instrumental dark trap rap background voice whispered a savage rap trap women songLyrics
Intro (4 lignes)
"Turn the record, flip the sound,
Hidden truths are underground.
Names and deeds in the dark they play,
Reverse the beat, let them replay."
Couplet 1 (16 lignes)
*"Names engraved in silent halls,
Secrets whispered, empires fall.
Look deeper, hear the calls,
Reverse the track, expose it all.
Behind closed doors, they forged their ties,
Blood and gold, where power lies.
Silent crimes, they left no trace,
But the mirror speaks, it shows their face.
Through the dark, I spell the game,
Every word, I name the blame.
They thought their sins would never rise,
But the truth will surface, no disguise."*
Refrain (6 lignes)
"Play it back, rewind the lies,
Through the reverse, the truth will rise.
Every name, every deed,
Hidden roots, they plant the seed.
Villains thrive, but they can’t hide,
In the echoes, secrets collide."
Couplet 2 (16 lignes)
*"In the shadows, deals were struck,
Fame and fortune, their twisted luck.
Reverse the beat, their voices leak,
Every line reveals the weak.
Names on paper, blood on hands,
Contracts signed in foreign lands.
Their silence screams, their deeds exposed,
Through the reverse, their guilt unfolds.
Power plays, but justice calls,
Every empire eventually falls.
Hidden truths in the noise they made,
Turn it backward, watch them fade."*
Chorus (8 lignes)
*"Flip the track, the names are clear,
Every word cuts like a spear.
Through the reverse, they can’t escape,
Every lie reshaped, every truth agape.
Secrets buried, but now they rise,
Through the echoes, no disguise.
Play it back, hear the sound,
The villains fall, the truth is found."*
Pont (8 lignes)
*"Their masks are cracked, their voices loud,
Reversed whispers, a guilty shroud.
Through the static, their sins remain,
Every track reveals their name.
No escape, the tape rewinds,
Every line uncovers the binds.
The villains scream in the silence deep,
Their secrets haunt, they’ll never sleep."*
Couplet 3 (16 lignes)
*"Through the reverse, the lines align,
Every name falls into time.
Whispers loud, their crimes exposed,
Through the sound, the story’s closed.
No safe haven, no place to hide,
The beat rewinds, truth takes a stride.
Villains rise, but they fall the same,
Their deeds are etched, we name their shame.
Play the record, feel the weight,
Their empire crumbles beneath their fate.
Through the static, hear the cries,
Every name’s a truth in disguise."*
Refrain Final (6 lignes)
"Play it back, rewind the lies,
Through the reverse, the truth will rise.
Every name, every deed,
Hidden roots, they plant the seed.
Villains thrive, but they can’t hide,
In the echoes, secrets collide."
Outro (4 lignes)
"Turn it backward, let them fall,
Through the whispers, hear it all.
Villains thought their names would fade,
But through the sound, their guilt is played."
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Kitana we the villains
Tupac shakur flow with a women voice fast sharp agressive savage flow instrumental dark trap rap background voice whispered a savage rap trap women song