وضَربا بحجرٍ حَجَرًا
They struck one stone against another
by chance,
فَشَرَزَت شَرارَةٌ
and sparks flew,
أنارَت ضَوْءًا
illuminating the light.
فأخذَ يَطرُقُ الأحْجارَ
So, he began to strike the stones
بَعضَها ببَعضٍ
against each other,
ويَحُكُّ الأشياءَ
and rub objects
بَعضَها في بَعضٍ
against one another,
فَشَرَزَت شَرارَةٌ
until a spark flew,
مَسَكَت في العُشبِ
and caught the grass.
كانَ فَرحًا حَزينًا، خائفًا
He was joyfully sad, afraid,
إنَّها النارُ
for it was fire,
جاءَت كَوَحْشٍ
it came like a monster,
مَلَكَ النارَ للدِّفءِ
yet fire became a tool for warmth,
for cooking,
وَالنُّورِ بالليلِ
for light at night,
وَطَرَدَ الحيوانَ
and to drive away animals
بِسِلاحِ الخَوْفِ
with the weapon of fear.
وكَبُرَ مِخُّهُ، وهَدَأَت نَفْسُهُ
And his mind grew, and his soul calmed,
رُويدًا، رُويدًا
slowly, slowly,
وتعلَّمَ، وأصبحَ فَطِنًا
and he learned, becoming wise
and intelligent,
يُفَكِّرُ، بِعُمقٍ
thinking deeply.
وعِندَما فَكَّرَ
But when he thought,
خافَ أكثرَ
he became more afraid,
he sighed,
وسألَ السُّؤالَ المُحَرَّمَ
and asked the forbidden question:
مِن أينَ أتيتَ
“Where did all this love come from
بكُلِّ هذا الحُبِّ
amidst all this fear?”
وَسَطَ كُلِّ هذا الخَوفِ؟
amidst all this fear?
وفَكَّرَ في مَعْنى المَوْتِ
He thought about the meaning of death,
ولامَ الصَّانعَ لِلحياةِ
and blamed the creator of life,
لأنَّهُ صَنعَ معَ الحياةِ المَوْتَ
for with life, he created death,
وانطِفاءَ الرأسِ
the extinguishing of the mind,
والفِراقَ والحُزْنَ
separation, and sorrow.
وبكى، ونامَ وحَلِمَ
And he wept, slept, and dreamed.
إنَّهُ كُلُّهُ حُلمٌ، وَهْمٌ
He dreamt it was all a dream, an illusion,
وأنَّهُ لم يَعُدْ هُناكَ خَوْفٌ
and that fear no longer existed.
وأنَّهُ لا مَوْتَ إلا حَياةٌ
That there is no death, only life,
وأنَّهُ بَعدَ المَوتِ حيٌّ
and that after death, there is life.
وفَكَّرَ في الأفعَى
And he thought of the snake,
وقالَ: الحياةُ هيَ بقاءٌ وحَربٌ
and said, “Life is survival and war.
والدُّنيا وَجْهَينِ، خَيْرٌ، وَشَرٌّ
The world has two faces, good and evil.”
لكنه طالَبَ، بالحِفاظِ على شَجرةِ النَّسْلِ
But he demanded the preservation of the family tree,