Bulgarian rap ,fast beat call and respond , dark ambient,oud performance,, Ethnic Fusion, male.” rhythmic energy.Lyrics
[Intro - Chanting]
Arabic Call:
“أبحث في الفضاء عني”
English Response:
“I search the skies, so far from me”
Arabic Call:
“بين النجوم أعيش حُرَّا”
English Response:
“Among the stars, I live so free”
[Chorus - Call and Response]
Arabic Call:
“سافرت وحدي بلا دليل”
English Response:
“I traveled far, with no clear guide”
Arabic Call:
“وصوت القلب كان السبيل”
English Response:
“Just the heart’s voice, I chose to ride”
[Verse 1 - Chanting]
Arabic Call:
“الحقيقة تجري في أعماقي”
English Response:
“The truth runs deep inside of me”
Arabic Call:
“والوجود كامل في أشواقي”
English Response:
“My soul is whole, but longs to be”
[Chorus - Call and Response]
Arabic Call:
“عبرت الطريق وحدي بثبات”
English Response:
“I walked this road with steady pace”
Arabic Call:
“لم أهتم بما يجري من أحداث”
English Response:
“Unmoved by what may come to face”
[Bridge - Chanting]
Arabic Call:
“طرقت وحيدًا بابًا بعد باب”
English Response:
“I knocked on doors, one by one”
Arabic Call:
“بلا خوف مما قد يأتي أو غاب”
English Response:
“No fear of what’s ahead or gone”
[Verse 2 - Call and Response]
Arabic Call:
“إن كنت أنا، فما هو الجدار؟”
English Response:
“If I am me, what is the wall?”
Arabic Call:
“العقل حرٌ، لا قيود في النهار”
English Response:
“The mind is free, no chains at all”
[Chorus - Call and Response]
Arabic Call:
“العقل هو نعمتي وهدى الطريق”
English Response:
“My mind’s my gift, my guiding light”
Arabic Call:
“لا جنة تغريني ولا تهديد الحريق”
English Response:
“No heaven’s lure, no fire in sight”
[Outro - Chanting]
Arabic Call:
“أرى النور في ظلام الليل”
English Response:
“I see the light within the night”
Arabic Call:
“وأقول الحقيقة دون عناء أو ميل”
English Response:
“And speak my truth without a fight”
[Final Chorus - Call and Response]
Arabic Call:
“عبرت الطريق وحدي بلا دليل”
English Response:
“I walked alone, with no set guide”
Arabic Call:
“وصوت القلب كان السبيل”
English Response:
“Just the heart’s voice, that’s by my side”